UPDATE:The cinnamon rolls were just a little dry. Not like a gooey/doughy type cinnamon roll. I baked them for 23 minutes and I think 20 may have been better and maybe I could hold back a little flour.
YES, I SKIPPED #7 the ciabatta! I will do that one next week!
Oh well, I'm a rebel.
We've got special company coming over tonight for coffee and I thought the cinnamon buns would be nice to have!
I did the cinnamon bun recipe using all purpose flour and King Arthur's Baker's Special Dry Milk.
Here they are cooling and yes they are huge!

DID you see the "S"??? LOL!

Here they are with the glaze! I only made up half of the glaze and
didn't hardly use half of that. :)

Thought you would like to see the "S" by itself all glazed.

I will most definaltely make these again and again and again. SO VERY GOOD!